Thursday, June 26, 2008

Carmen Sandiego Never Danced So Good

Jason sent this vid link to me. (Pay attention to 2008; the others only at your own whim.)

Matt travels the world.

And he dances.


And yet somehow, makes the world feel like, oh I don't know-

Part of the same goofy family.

Thanks for dancing, Matt. There's hope for us yet.

Just my thoughts,


PS For after you watched the video:

Two entries on the FAQ's that I enjoyed:

How did you get those kids in Rwanda to dance with you?
I just started dancing. There was no prior discussion or explanation. They thought it looked like a fun thing to be doing and joined in. They also really dug seeing themselves on the camera's playback screen.

Why is the world so screwed up?
How do we fix it?

1 comment:

Linds said...

How awesome! Thanks for posting it - that made my whole day.

By the way, in Austin, he's dancing in front of my favorite statue: Stevie Ray Vaughan. I loooove that my hometown felt the need to immortalize Stevie alongside the heroes of Texas history. :)