Sure, you all know him as a nice guy, and the author of AURALIA'S COLORS.
You may also know that the next chapter in the Auralia Thread series is out, CYNDERE'S MIDNIGHT. And that's where Jeff and I have a problem.
You see, my wife and I just went to Vegas for a weekend getaway. Just me, her and...
Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here's our travelogue.
That's the Flamingo, our hotel.
Here we are playing the slots.
And we got some time in at the blackjack table. The dealer got distracted.
We went down the strip for a bit. Uh, Cath, our stop is coming up.
Here we are at KA, the Cirque d' Soleil show. The show was so exciting, Cath even looked up from her book to see some of it.
Cath got to share some culture with a cast member.
This is from the Luxor hotel. Notice all the beautiful things around you, Cath?
Even the polar bears can't put the book down.
And at the end of the day, the conversation was all about how unfair life is that book three hasn't been finished yet.
Thanks, Jeff. Only Rowling has given me this much trouble.
Friends, let me warn you -- Overstreet's books are addictive. Apparently even more so than Vegas.
Just my thoughts,
I am so ashamed.
I will do my best to stun readers with spectacularly boring scenarios in the third book. And I'll plan to kill off all of Cath's favorite characters. Will that work?
Honestly, Jeff! How COULD you?? Why couldn't you write a book that was boring as all get out, and leave us with NOTHING to look forward to?? It's writers like YOU who keep READERS like ME enthralled...even my Dave is questioning your loyalty to a person's need to sleep instead of read...ROFL!!!
*sigh* My copy is supposedly in the mail on it's way. How am I suppose to wait patiently after seeing all this??
Are the Gaffney's getting a commission on sales of the book? There's plugs, and then there's PLUGS.
I'd read the book but I've been told, "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" so....
Is there a 12-step program to help people like Cath curb their craving for Overstreet?
That's a great book. I read it around the first of the year. It was supposed to be a christmas gift for two of my friends at our church. I couldn't wait and ordered them another copy.
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