Sci-fi channel is hosting a
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA marathon – you can see pretty much the entire last season in three days starting Wednesday – tomorrow.
Reasons that you should care:
1) In spite of what you may think of sci-fi, BG is one of the best shows on television – writing, acting, directing, production.
2) BG is perhaps the most relevant show on television in terms of addressing post 9/11 culture.
3) BG is challengingly even-handed in addressing our world and culture – giving you opportunity to stretch your thinking as well as be entertained.
4) BG doesn’t shy away from deep and dangerous – deep and dangerous thoughts, emotions, psychology, etc.
For example, in one episode this season, a character makes an argument for one aspect of the Gospel. Not the mamby-pamby feel-good Gospel of American marketers, but the this-is-different-than-the-world, in-your-face Good News of Jesus and Paul.
And the argument was given in such a way, under such circumstances, and with such Truth that I fully understood why a guy would get stoned or beaten or beheaded or crucified for talking such talk.
In fact, I wasn’t so sure that I wouldn’t have been the first one to toss a stone at the guy. Fortunately, I live on the mythical Earth and not in exodus, so I didn’t have to act on my choices…
5) BG is on-the-edge-of-your-seat entertaining.
Let me give you a clue as to how exciting: in the finale, someone will say something that changes everything. EVERYTHING. One of those “you did not just say that” things. The ba-da-dum!! type thing. The thing that any other show would fade to black on, putting up the “to be continued” sign.
But there is no fade after “the thing” is said; rather, the writers tease us by showing how those impacted by the news choose to live their lives – despite Everything changing, we see who these characters really are.
Which, trust me, is even more shocking and wonderful than “the thing.”
Oh, and then later, someone pops up and says something else that changes everything, and we fade to black and the “to be continued” sign pops up.
So, if you like having your cake and eating it too; if you like stories that challenge in a good way, if you like your sci-fi to rock your entertainment world, catch up with Battlestar Galactica – so I can finally talk to you about that amazing last episode!!!
Just my thoughts,
PS The Sci-fi Channel HEROES marathon starts on Saturday!