Sunday, September 24, 2006

Banner Week for Banning

September 23rd to 30th is “Banned Books Week.”

Now before y’all going running out to your local library to start burning books, the week isn’t the time to ban books – it’s not like “secretary appreciation day.”

It’s more a celebration of those that have stood against book banning.

There are a few books that make the list of those that have been banned from libraries recently that should be read in honor of the week. Or at least their Wikipedia entry should be read. (Seriously, who actually reads books?)

Some of my favs:

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird – because of racist language. I couldn’t think of two books that racists would more like to have banned. Score two for the bigots, and a big win for irony.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary – for offensive language. Hmmm, I wonder if “ignorant” is defined in that book.

Little Red Riding Hood – because a wine bottle is pictured in the basket. Come on, every good Baptist knows that it’s just grape juice!

Garfield: His Nine Lives – for offensive language. Actually, I have no complaints about this one. Garfield just isn’t funny enough to fight for. Maybe I just don't like lasagna enough.

Want more? Check out the Parade article or the American Library Association web site.

Just my thoughts,


1 comment:

Poochie Williamson said...

I agree, Sean. But for me, it's not a laughing matter.

Banning books belongs to the Nazis and the Taliban.

People in a society that is educated and balances can survive, yea, even benefit from exposure to these "offensive" texts.

"Huckleberry Finn," "To Kill a Mocking Bird," and even "Catcher in the Rye" should be available to us all.