Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lessons from Coming of Age

As I watched a young lady become a bat mitzvah this past weekend, I was struck again by how much faith could positively alter our secular lives.

Here are three examples of real-world practicality that struck me during the proceedings, if only we had the courage to make the necessary changes.

#1:  Weight lifting workouts should be done in teams.

Personally, I hate lifting weights.  The amount I’m capable of pressing is humiliating, and there is no inherent feelings of joy in the process.

However, get a group of seven or so guys in a circle around the barbells, lift in unison displaying the weights to the world, circle around a few times while shouting “hey!” – now we’re having fun. 

I wouldn’t be surprised if the other gym rats burst out in rhythmic clapping; maybe even joining hands in alternating concentric circles around the weight bearers.

#2:  All staff meetings at work should be sung.

Tend to zone out when the minutes from the last meeting are read?  Or when the associate VP of community marketing drones on about peer to peer connectivity?

Now imagine those moments being led by a trained cantor, giving a little jazz oomph to the boring parts, and an appropriately solemn lilt to the forecast for negative sales in the third quarter. 

No news is bad news when it’s got a good beat.

#3:  All politicians should be required to recite and explain the meaning of an assigned passage from the Constitution before taking office.

Several months of study with a rabbi leading up to a public recitation couldn’t hurt.  And if they get it wrong, they don’t get to become “the man.” 

And not just reading the thing (although that would be a welcome change) – but having to take a moment to explain what the passage means in practical terms, to show that they actually understand what they read.

“Fellow Americans:  my portion includes the call to ‘promote the general welfare.’  The key word ‘general’ struck me as a reminder to promote everyone’s welfare, and not just the ‘special interest welfare.’”

Now that would be nice.

Mazel tov.

Just my thoughts,


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