Friday, June 15, 2007

Boundaries Three

From THE LEADERSHIP LESSONS OF JESUS, Bob Briner and Ray Pritchard:

"Contrary to popular opinion, order does not stifle creativity, but promotes it. It does not restrict freedom, but enhances it for the greatest number. Disorder is a kind of tyranny in which good things seldom happen. When disorder reigns, people suffer in many ways.

"There is a vast difference between order and regimentation. Jesus didn’t tell the five thousand to sit down in groups, organized alphabetically by last name, to count off, and remain silent until addressed. Instead, He created order that was not ominous and restrictive, but pleasant and liberating.

"Regimentation stifles creativity and restricts freedom, but order creates an environment where freedom and creativity flourish."


Anonymous said...

This quote must really resonate with you, it hasn't even been a year since you last posted it...

Gaffney said...

With the "this is not a trail" moment in Arches, yeah, this quote kept popping to mind.

And as my readership may not be fully aware of my repeating repertoire, I thought I could get by...