Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Today's Reads - Swine, Wine and Whining

I’m coming off a crazy weekend (most of Saturday logging footage for a short doc I’m writing/directing; most of Sunday directing a short film I’m writing/direc… wait, you know I’m directing if I spent all day directing it. Duh. Good thing I caught myself, or I would have wasted a lot of space and time retelling you that I direc… wait. There I go again.)

I’m very behind in my reading, but as I catch up, I figure you can too.

Stephen Pastis writes one of my current favorite comic strips, “Pearls Before Swine.” Here is his take on whether loving your neighbor includes those next to you in your pew.

More wisdom from Pastis, as he explains what the items on display at the check-out stand have to say about us as a democratic nation.

Stuff Christians Like takes a look at the footprints poem on shot glasses. Can you say “bar ministry?”

(You might remember my own take on the Footprints and how it might be different if I was the walker in the poem.)

Recently, a screenwriter infuriated/inspired the web by telling you why he won’t read your eff-ing screenplay. Screenwriter/mentor Terry Rossio does up his own version by telling you at great length why you aren’t good enough to make it in Hollywood. Somewhat apropos to the last post and David's response.

If you aren’t a writer and have no interest in the business – skip it. If you aren’t a writer but are interested in the business, jump down to where he starts numbering things. (The first list is pretty dead-on.)

If you are a writer (or want to be) – take the time to read the whole, incredible long, infuriating, thorough thing.

By the by, for those worried about me as screenwriter after reading Terry’s thoughts, I want to point out that I play poker on Wednesday nights, not Friday. So I think I’ll be okay.

Just my thoughts,


1 comment:

David Goulet said...

Terry's article = ouch, in a good way.

As a Christian aspiring to be a (paid) screenwriter, I have faced the demon of despair and asked myself this question: what if I never sell a single darn script? What was it all for -- the effort, the sacrifice, etc.?

But maybe, in my case, God's less interested in whether I write a blockbuster and whether I have the courage to follow the call He gave me. In the end it's not about getting script to screen, it's about being faithful to the call.

My concern must be for the latter, for the former is His.