Friday, March 06, 2009

Watching Time

So I’ll be watching THE WATCHMEN tomorrow.

Until that time, I’m getting my fix through these variations.

WALL-E trailer – makes me appreciate a whole new dramatic side of Wall-E.

The Watchmen Saturday morning cartoon. Who knew?

My favorite piece of Watchmen artwork, done by Evan Shaner. Answering the question, what if Schulz had drawn the Watchmen.

Just my thoughts,



Anonymous said...

did you not see it at work? or will you be seeing it again? i'm looking forward to a review from you... :-)

Cory Edwards said...

Wow, the Saturday morning clip is AWESOME. The title design, the song, the interpretation is so perfectly 80's. I can almost see the commercial for Alpha-Bits and the tease for "Muppet Babies, Coming up next!"

Anonymous said...

If there had actually been a Watchmen Saturday morning cartoon, we'd likely need a few more psychotherapists now . . .

Gaffney said...

What do you mean, Omar? They're friends to the animals, for goodness sake! Such nice, grounded heroes. Ahh...