Tuesday, March 17, 2009

TV Viewers, Musical Performers, and a Gaffney Vid

Couple of interesting links for today (unlike those boring links of yesteryear):

Over at the IMAGE Blog, Santiago Ramos talks about the rise of the intelligent television viewer.

Favorite line is the closing one: "Not all art, and discourse about art, takes place on the campus quad; actually, a lot of it is born in the public square."

Over at Christ and Pop Culture, Richard Clark cribs from the Boston Conservatory to remind musicians that "You are not entertainers."

And finally, I toot my own horn ('cuz it is rude to toot in other people's horns), a BADD video I wrote called "The Janitor" is available for public viewing. I also co-write on "Irreplaceable," which still gives me giggles.

Cath appears in both vids, so if you wouldn't watch for the writing, you might watch for her performances.

Just my thoughts,



Shane Deal said...

I love the B.A.D.D. Videos. Watched them all, except Irreplaceable, about a month ago, my favorite is probably The Barbarian's at the BBQ. The Janitor is very good. Well done. :-)


Gaffney said...

Thank you -- especially as "Barbarians" is also one I wrote!

Janet said...

Yeah, yeah, "The Janitor" is really good and all...

But it made me cry in church, not leak a tear but totally cry, and I wasn't wearing waterproof mascara and I had to speak afterwards and really, don't you think you should issue a waterproof-mascara warning (maybe a rating of some kind) before you catch us by surprise like that and make us all look like raccoons?

I mean, really. Some consideration here.

Gaffney said...

Nice job Gaffneys! We of course love the Marine Corps shout out. Hee hee.