Thursday, September 07, 2006

Inside the Writer’s Studio

I have been asked to get people to watch Happy Hour tonight.

To be honest, I know nothing about the show, its content or quality. All I know is that my friend Sean is working on the show, he thinks its funny, and he wants to keep working.

Not just for the paycheck (and knowing the pay for his position, you may take the word “just” out of the preceding clause), but for the work place environment. In his words,

Because I love it here. It's hard to imagine a better work environment. Everybody is awesome, from the writers to the production staff to the other peons. And we have the offices once occupied by Seinfeld. They're located next to a fake suburban street with a fake park and a fake fountain. And it has balconies. On one of the balconies, I'm growing sunflowers. And all these awesome little kids are running around everywhere. And everybody's pregnant.

“I'm thinking about becoming pregnant myself, strictly out of peer pressure. And there are sweet blue bikes that we cruise around on and there's an inflatable basketball hoop and there's a monkey.”

How can any workplace with a monkey be bad?

So tune in tonight, and help Sean save his balcony sunflowers.

Just my thoughts,

The Other Sean

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